Over the last 12 months, I think I have got it down to three seconds. I'm talking about the time between saying goodbye on your Zoom call, and clicking 'Leave Meeting'. Ten seconds or three seconds, it's excruciating and every time my social anxiety spikes like a hammer contest at a country fair.

But why, does this final moment between our colleagues, friends, users and customers
have to be so awkward?

Everyone is feeling it. No one is acknowledging it. Let's talk about it and get rid of this moment with this one easy hack hidden in the Zoom settings.
Want to test the severity of your social anxiety? Take our free online academic test
In your Zoom general settings, by default the 'Ask me to confirm when I leave a meeting' is selected by default. Some defaults are good. Ask me I want to save a document before I close it by accident. Love it.
Asking me if I want to leave the Zoom meeting? Ding-ding, the bell has been hit.
So, the best single (easy) hack you can do right now to reduce your social anxiety is to uncheck this box in your Zoom settings.

Looking for more ideas to help reduce your social anxiety? Read about how to ease out of lockdown for socially anxious people.